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flight cockpit
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Multi-Function Display Product Line



Project Name:
MFD Product Line


Systems & Software, DO-178B Certification

- 63,700+ Hours
- 56+ Engineers
- 14+ Years

Project Scope

Belcan supported our customer’s MFD product line for over 14 years, eventually taking over full responsibility for all maintenance and enhancements, including systems engineering. The MFD is fully certified and maintained to DO-178B Level A. Belcan supported 40+ projects and certifications. The product line includes military and commercial applications, multiple fixed wing and rotary platforms. Cockpit configurations include up to 5 interconnected displays. The functionality of each display is configurable via a field loadable configuration data file.



The Belcan team provided full lifecycle (systems and software) turnkey support of the MFD product line including full DO-178B certification. Belcan was the Center of Excellence (COE) for the MFD product.


Key Values / Benefits

The fact that Belcan was functioning as the Center of Excellence for the MFD product line freed up the customer’s resources to develop new products and pursure new business.

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