Direct Deposit
Consistent with Belcan’s continuing efforts to advance technologically, operate more cost efficiently, and improve security of your personal information, instead of printing, folding and mailing direct deposit stubs, we will no longer be issuing hard copy stubs but will instead post them electronically to our Ceridian secure site, which is the same site where we electronically post our W2’s. You can access this site from any computer with internet access. You will then have control over determining whether you would like to print a hard copy of your direct deposit stub off of the site.
The information posted on the site will be the same as you would see on your hard copy stub. As an additional improvement to the process, this information will be available the day of your payday, providing you with even earlier access to your pay amount than in the past when you had to wait for your stub or call your bank. You can even set up an automatic notification to email you when your document has been posted to the site.
Click Here to view your Online Direct Deposit
Employees who registered for online W2 access do not need to re-register.
There are two ways to register for online access to both applications. Employees can register via Online W2 or Online Direct Deposit. The user ID and password are the same for both applications.
Returning users, simply enter your login and password. If you forgot your login and/or password, click on Forgot Login Information. Select your option and enter the email address you provided during your initial registration.
Employees are able to set an option in the Notification Settings to receive an email each time a new document is posted.
Employees who have not registered for online W2 access will need the following information:
- Company Access Code : belcan (case sensitive)
- First Name : your legal first name provided to Human Resources
- Last Name : your legal last name provided to Human Resources
- SSN : your social security number provided to Human Resources (no dashes)
- Check/DDA Number : the last 4 digits of your primary checking account number.
- NOTE: Primary checking account number is defined as the account number you are depositing either a specific dollar amount or specific percent. It is not the account that receives whatever is remaining.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the company access code?
The company code to access an employee’s online Direct Deposit is belcan (case sensitive).
How do I login to the Ceridian Direct Deposit web site?
Click Employee Online Direct Deposit Link and follow the instructions on the screen.
Password Rules
Upon initial login to the website, users will be prompted to change passwords. Passwords must:
- Be 7 to 10 characters in length.
- Cannot contain the login ID (exact or partial).
- Be alphanumeric (a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters) and must include one or more special characters such as $, #, %, @, &, +, etc. Special characters are typically found at the top of the keyboard using the shift key plus a key.
- Cannot contain the following reserved characters (|’`\”).
- Cannot contain any repeat characters. For example, the word ‘happy’ has two consecutive Ps, which is not acceptable.
- Passwords are case sensitive.
Security Timeout
As an enhanced security measure, employee sessions will timeout if left idle for 20 minutes or more and will be automatically return to the login screen.
What if my account is disabled?
Employees who disable their accounts must forward an email to Your account will be reset and an email will be forwarded to the email address on file at the time you registered.
What if I have other questions?
Employees with questions can forward an email to Your questions will be answered during normal business hours.
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