global customer driven solutions
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Customer-Driven Solutions
That Are Flexible, Scalable, & Cost-Effective


Founded in 1958, Belcan is a global supplier of design, software, manufacturing, supply chain, information technology, and digital engineering solutions to the aerospace, defense, space, government services, automotive, and industrial markets. Belcan engineers better outcomes for customers – from jet engines, airframe, and avionics to heavy vehicles, automobiles, and cybersecurity.

Customer Value Proposition
“Belcan is a proven industry leader, engineering better outcomes for our customers for over 60 years. Belcan consistently earns trust by taking a performance-driven, partnering approach to provide value-added solutions with speed and scalability.”
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belcan passion with purpose principle

belcan performance drive principle


Solutions, Speed and Scalability Drive The Belcan Edge

Quality outcomes you can count on every time

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Integrated, Collaborative,
Innovative, High-Quality

Belcan takes an integrated, coactive approach to provide innovative solutions across the full product life cycle, with an unrelenting focus on the highest quality outcomes.

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Responsive, Rapid Engagement


Speed matters, and Belcan delivers. Our responsive professionals rapidly engage with customers in a velocity-driven environment where productivity and effectiveness are key.

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Adaptive, Flexible, Agile


Belcan’s experienced technical resources and agile processes adapt quickly to the changing customer requirements common in today’s fast-paced market, anticipating customer needs and generating superior business outcomes.

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At Belcan We Are Driven by Our Values
Belcan's legacy of excellence in engineering is driven by conviction. Our principles are clear: People First, Passion with Purpose, Earned Trust, and a Performance Driven focus are at the core of who we are.

Global Presence

With more than 10,000 professionals in over 60 locations around the world, Belcan is ready to solve your toughest challenges. Everywhere you are.

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Engineer a Better Future with Belcan



Learn how we can provide innovative solutions      
Learn how we can provide innovative solutions

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